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  • 于唐代翻砂铸钱工艺的探讨

    本站编辑:杭州达跃机械有限公司发布日期:2017-12-07 10:41 浏览次数:

    Look at the process of the Tang Dynasty foundry casting money from the same version of Kaiyuan reign coins and two products
    In the year 621, the Tang emperor Li Yuan currency reform, cast kaiyuantongbao money, the abolition of the "two baht money", creating a "new era of money". This is a major leap in the history of Chinese currency, which has had a profound influence on the development of Chinese monetary culture.
    Kaiyuantongbao money not only an important historical position, and the casting process is also very elegant. The strict form of money, the elegant, exquisite workmanship, various types of. How are the coins that the spring family's favorite coins have been cast out? In this regard, the spring and academic circles have been studying and discussing.
    The van Zhufa, Datang lost wax casting money has long been, and whether the use of mother money for Mould Foundry is not a money foundry view:
    A view that the foundry cast Datang no money. "China ages old coins diagram and price guide" Book wrote: "the Sui and Tang Dynasties, in addition to the traditional technology of mud, will also create the Zhou Dynasty and the lost wax method for casting money." And make that concluded: "the foundry technology of our country, as early as in the mid spring and autumn have. For money, it began in the Northern Song Dynasty. "
    Another view is that the foundry cast money datang. Stephen wrote home cast money shift fan and abnormal phenomenon in Tang Dynasty by foundry method viewpoint argument. Below, the author tries to use the same version of Kaiyuan reign Xiaoping mother of two products (i.e. regular cash money, money figure 1 Figure 2) to support the foundry technology of Datang money.
    Look at the common point of the two Kaiyuan.
    The first is that two products are all eight points. The words in the book are weak. The word "Kai" is called "Shengjing", and the word "Yuan" is the first. It is "three pass", and the word "Bao" is two shorter and middle.
    The two is the two products with the same wear, inner and outer edges. Three is the back of the lower left corner of the two products. The three common points show that two money calligraphy the same style, same shape, same as in word format, the specific content of weak left corner month version, the Mid Tang is regular money.
    Although the two products are the same format, there are also obvious differences.
    One is that the material is different. Figure 1 money is a passing product, white copper, containing 12.5% tin. Such a copper and tin element ratio, good copper, good liquid copper fluid, the details of the Qian Wen can be cast in place and full. This shows that figure 1 money has the material elements of the mother's money. Figure 2 Qian Sheng pits, copper as a common bronze, looks a bit rough.
    The two is the different specifications. Figure 1. 25.45 mm diameter, 1.56 mm thick, weighs 4.7 grams, respectively in Figure 2 money diameter 0.52 mm long, 0.29 mm thick, weighs 1 grams. These gaps are the normal differences between the next generation and the next. This difference is formed by cold contraction of copper liquid in the process of casting money.
    The three is the difference of precision. Figure 1 money is fine, the money is exquisite, the word mouth is deep, the corner is clear, the ground is clean, and the wheel is fine.  Figure 2 the money in these aspects is obviously inferior, especially the word mouth becomes shallow, and the strokes appear adhesion. In contrast, the fine work of Figure 1 money shows that it has the humanistic elements of the mother's money.
    The four is the different traces. Figure 1 money wear finishing, outer grinding is a straight edge, round edge at the bottom left Diaomu visible cut mark. These are the next generation of Diaomu namely the base money of special signs. And Figure 2 money does not have these traces, indicating that it is the ordinary flow of money. These four different points: two indicates that the product is both the essence connection and quality difference, strain, different generations. Figure 1 is the parent of money money money money Shizi figure 2. Figure 2 is the money from Figure 1 that batch mastercoin mold foundry casting a.
    A Quanyou may ask, two is not casting or wax lost casting?  The answer is negative. Because of the same type of coin cast by the casting or dewaxing method, the copper, specifications and precision in normal conditions are basically consistent, and there will be no obvious difference.
    The author reviewed "unearthed relevant information contained in China dictionary coins of Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasties ten @ Bian" in Shaanxi, Hubei and other places of the early casting lost wax casting method of the Kaiyuan reign of Xiaoping the money, that the first three yuan, skimming through short format Kaiyuan Xiaoping money size and exquisite degree consistent. There is no big difference.
    A Quanyou may also ask, two is not large and is like? The answer is also negative. Because it is different and bulk samples with the same shape, layout of currency coins.  Relevant data shows that the sample diameter is like large diameter 1 - 2 mm. Thus, in Figure 1 and Figure 2 money money is not large and is like the relationship between the brothers, but the relationship between mother and child.
    In summary, I think we can make such a conclusion: the important value of the same version of Kaiyuan reign is the mother of two products, in kind of formal money proved by the middle of the Tang Dynasty and the quantity of money needed to adapt to the foundry process of money, showing the transition from van Zhufa, lost wax foundry method to the new situation.